Questions & Answers
We know you will have questions. With so many companies offering “instant cures”over the internet it is important that you fully understand the cause of the condition, how Molutrex can help and what clinical evidence is there to support its claims. In addition to a patient information sheet which you can download here, we’ve put together an extensive information section of questions and answers below. If we’ve missed anything out then contact us directly and we will try to answer.
Q. Is Molluscum contagious?
A. YES. Molluscum Contagiosum is highly contagious, passing to other sites on the body by direct physical contact or through inanimate objects such as towels. It is also easily passed on to siblings or school friends.
Q. Should I keep my child away from school?
A. NO. Despite Molluscum Contagiosum being highly infectious it is not considered necessary to keep a child away from school as the disease does not make the patient ill and its duration would mean that they could lose terms of education.
Q. Should I pop the blisters?
A. NO! Some medical textbooks advocate popping the blisters with a cocktail stick soaked in antiseptic and squeezing out the creamy centre. Apart from being painful it also increases the risk of viral transmission and is just plain inconvenient.
Q. How can I prevent more blisters from forming?
A. Some new blisters will form over time but you can help to reduce them by preventing the child from scratching or popping existing blisters and by isolating washing, drying and bedding fabrics to prevent transmission to siblings.
Q. Is it OK to share towels etc?
A. NO. Your child’s washing cloths, towels and bedding should be used for them alone whilst they are still showing signs of the virus.
Q. Is it OK to use Molutrex on my child's cheek?
A. It is important to keep the product out of the child’s eyes so you have to make your own mind up about using the product anywhere on the face. This will depend upon the closeness of the blisters to the eyes and the ability of your child to leave the liquid alone until it dries. If in doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Q. How long does Molutrex take to dry?
A. When applied appropriately the thin film of Molutrex will dry in a couple of minutes. Make sure that the child does not touch the blisters whilst they are still wet as they might transfer Molutrex to their eyes.
Q. None of the blisters have gone red and I've been using the product for 14 days. What should I do?
A. Stop using Molutrex after 14 days, even if some or all of the blisters have not shown any signs of irritation. At this point it may be worth contacting your GP for further advice.
Q. I've accidentally painted some of the skin between the blisters. What should I do?
A. Molutrex is very caustic and can burn skin. You should rinse the area with plenty of cool water to remove the Molutrex, dry the skin and then reapply Molutrex to the blisters only. You do not need to cover the whole blister, just enough to cover the top will do.
Q. How else should I look after my Molluscum blisters?
A. Molluscum Contagiosum enjoys the warmth and damp so try to keep the skin both cool and dry. You can help to avoid spreading the virus to siblings or to other parts of the body by preventing scratching and avoiding sharing washing and drying materials such as towels or bathing with siblings.
Q. I'd like to discuss this with a Health Professional or my pharmacist before I make the decision. Is there anything that I can print off to be able to show them?
A. We fully understand your decision to seek professional advice on this condition and on the use of Molutrex. As the treatment is new it is unlikely that they will be fully familiar with it so please download the information sheet and take it along with you. Your pharmacist will also be able to order Molutrex for you using the PIP code 381-4100 which can be found on the bottom of the sheet and we are happy to answer calls from them for further information.